Lauris Reiniks Releases New Album!
Latvia’s most current pop artist, Lauris Reiniks, is delighted to announce the release of his new studio album, “Es skrienu” (I’m Running). The album is available wherever music is sold. An MP3 version is available for download from the Doremi.lv portal. On October 8, Lauris launched a major concert tour in Latvia in support of the album.
“This is a very special album for me, because I’ve stepped back from many of my usual principles to make this record very interesting and colourful,” Lauris Reiniks explains. “In musical and visual terms, I think that ‘I’m Running’ is the best and most truthful album that I’ve ever created. I myself am exactly as diverse as the music in this album is.”
TV commercial for “Es skrienu” album, tour:
“I’m Running” is certainly one of the most eagerly anticipated albums in Latvia in 2010 thanks to hits such as “Pasakā” (a duet with Aisha), “Es Esmu Tev Dzīslās” (a duet with sister Rūta Reinika), “Kāpēc mums jābremzē?”, “Nebeidzamais Stāsts” and, of course “Es Skrienu.” This latter song, written by Lauris and his long-time collaborator Mārtiņš Freimanis, may set a unique Guinness record soon – it’s already been recorded in Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Russian, English and Italian! Several other versions are upcoming. Lauris says that in each country where “I’m Running” has been heard, some of the best lyricists in the relevant country have said that they’d like to hear the song in their own language, and so this is a snowball effect which is bringing in increasing numbers of people, languages and countries.
Lauris Reiniks’ YouTube channel features the video for “Es Skrienu” which was produced by Aija Strazdiņa More than one million visitors have viewed the clip already – and that’s happened in an unbelievably short period of time.
The album contains 12 songs plus a remix of one of them: “Pasakā” (feat. Aisha), “Kāpēc mums jābremzē?”, “Es Skrienu”, “Nebeidzamais stāsts”, “Es Esmu Tev Dzīslās” (feat. Rūta Reinika), “Novelc Drēbes”, “Elpot Vēlreiz”, “Svešinieks uz ielas”, “Dāvana”, Labāk vēl nezimiedz”, “Saullēkts”, “Modelis”, plus a Dween Jumpstyle Remix of “Es Skrienu.”
All of the songs were produced and many of the instruments were played by Midis and Gints Stankevičs. Also taking part in the recording were the vocalists Karīna Tropa, Rūta Reinika, Marta Kukarene and Vineta Elksne, along with guitarist Andris Šīrants, percussionist Todd Sorensen, and strings arranger Aigars Āboliņš (on “Nebeidzamais Stāsts”). The notes to the album contain the lyrics to all of the songs, as well as photographs of Lauris produced by Oto Godfrey. Edvards Smiltēns (Balti) designed the album.
The general sponsor of the album is ČILI PICA, with support from BOD, Dardedze Hologrāfija and Antalis. Lauris is thankful for informational support from LNT Television, the Music Video Channel, Draugiem.lv, Rīgas Viļņi, Radio Star FM, Inbox.lv, and 1188.
The album is available at Čili Pica. You’ve got two options – buy the album, with Lauris’ autograph, for the special price of LVL 3.50, or have Lauris’ favourite pizza, Sicilian Pizza + a Sunrise Drink, and get the album for free. Don’t miss this chance